Friday, May 29, 2009

The Undead - The Forest of Hands and Teeth

They've read Twilight, Hunger Games and even Graceling. What else to suggest to a reader who wants thrilling action, some romance, and elements of fantasy and distopia? The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan may fit the bill. In a future that is divided into them and us - them being an army of zombies - Mary lives in an isolated village, which may be the last on earth. Life is dictated by the Sisters, and they keep many secrets from the community. One day, though, Mary finds the Sisters are hiding a girl who has come to their community from the outside. Does this mean there are other villages in the world? Can Mary travel to them? The night before she's bound to marry a man she doesn't love (the brother of the man she does), the village's defenses are breached, and soon she's on the run. Sometimes the narrative bogs down and becomes repetitive, but when those zombies are hunting the village's seemingly last survivors, it gets pretty exciting.

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